
September 18, 2020
How Do I Get Divorced? Choosing The Best Divorce Process for You
Written by Kira GouldYou’re unhappy in your marriage and, after much soul searching, are coming to the realization that divorce may be your only route to a better, more authentic life. But where do you start, and how do you actually get divorced? The process of getting divorced includes a number of major steps all rolled into the […]

September 12, 2020
Divorcing with Intention: Achieve Peace, Connection, Joy, Meaning, Purpose, & Love
Written by Kira GouldDivorcing with intention is an opportunity to change, to live a more realized life, in accord with your values, dreams, goals, and yes, intentions. Through a successful divorce, you can achieve a sense of peace, connection, joy, meaning, purpose, love…or whatever else is important to you. An intention is a goal with soul. It is […]

September 9, 2020
Getting Unmarried™ Road Map: Chart Your Own Course Through Divorce
Written by Kira GouldThere is no single route through divorce. There’s no magic road map, perfect prescription, or foolproof method. Even the best experts cannot say “I know the way! Follow my guidance and do these specific steps in this exact order.” Every divorce is unique, like a fingerprint. And only you know the true intricacies of […]

June 5, 2019
9 Tips to Survive Divorce and Move On
Written by Kira GouldDivorce can be traumatic and tumultuous. When people say that you need to “survive a divorce” they mean it! It’s like being the survivor of a tragedy, battle, or violent crime (sometimes all three rolled into one). Experts in post traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) now include experiencing any serious event, such as divorce, as one […]

May 16, 2019
How Can A Marriage End Without A Divorce?
Written by Kira GouldEndings lead to new beginnings. Many of us long for a new chapter, a new reality, and we know that we need to end our marriage in order to start fresh. But on some level we don’t want to, or simply can’t, get a divorce. So how can a marriage end without a divorce? Ideally […]

May 2, 2019
The Telltale Warning Signs Your Spouse Is Over You
Written by Kira GouldWe all hope for everlasting love. That’s why we said “I do” in the first place. But often we outlast our relationships, evolving beyond their life expectancy. Think of your relationship as a garden. You and your partner are the gardeners or caretakers. The life of the garden depends upon what you put into it. […]

April 29, 2019
Redefining the Meaning of Life After Divorce
Written by Kira GouldThe meaning of life is such a profound and personal concept. Each of us has our own understanding. Maybe it’s being wildly successful and very rich. Or developing a deep and everlasting faith. Perhaps it’s being an exceptionally loving parent. For others, like me, it’s about personal evolution. Before we can redefine it, we need to […]

April 20, 2019
Why Surviving A Second Divorce Is More Difficult Than The First
Written by Kira GouldThere it is: that horrible sinking feeling that divorce may be your only option…again. Plaguing you, inside your head, are many wild and disparate thoughts. You may be thinking that though it’s heart-wrenching and sad, it’s also reasonable to divorce the first time around. Maybe you got married very young; it was your “starter” marriage. […]

February 10, 2019
How to feel fabulous in your skin, your body, and your life when you’re 40+
Written by JvInterview with host Sheree Clark of Fork in the Road about setting the tone for your divorce, the role of social media, a healthy divorce story, should you stay for the kids, and more!

June 30, 2018
Divorce Coach Kira Gould Prepares People to Move Forward With Grit & Perseverance
Written by Kira GouldThis article from DatingAdvice.com talks about Kira Gould’s personal experiences with divorce motivated her to become a certified divorce coach trained to guide singles through one of the most difficult and transformational experiences of their lives.