How to End A Marriage

September 18, 2020
How Do I Get Divorced? Choosing The Best Divorce Process for You
Written by Kira GouldYou’re unhappy in your marriage and, after much soul searching, are coming to the realization that divorce may be your only route to a better, more authentic life. But where do you start, and how do you actually get divorced? The process of getting divorced includes a number of major steps all rolled into the […]

September 12, 2020
Divorcing with Intention: Achieve Peace, Connection, Joy, Meaning, Purpose, & Love
Written by Kira GouldDivorcing with intention is an opportunity to change, to live a more realized life, in accord with your values, dreams, goals, and yes, intentions. Through a successful divorce, you can achieve a sense of peace, connection, joy, meaning, purpose, love…or whatever else is important to you. An intention is a goal with soul. It is […]

September 9, 2020
Getting Unmarried™ Road Map: Chart Your Own Course Through Divorce
Written by Kira GouldThere is no single route through divorce. There’s no magic road map, perfect prescription, or foolproof method. Even the best experts cannot say “I know the way! Follow my guidance and do these specific steps in this exact order.” Every divorce is unique, like a fingerprint. And only you know the true intricacies of […]

May 16, 2019
How Can A Marriage End Without A Divorce?
Written by Kira GouldEndings lead to new beginnings. Many of us long for a new chapter, a new reality, and we know that we need to end our marriage in order to start fresh. But on some level we don’t want to, or simply can’t, get a divorce. So how can a marriage end without a divorce? Ideally […]

November 16, 2017
How To End Your Marriage With Dignity
Written by Kira GouldWhy are endings so important? Endings lead to new beginnings. And when you consider how to end your marriage with dignity, it sets you up for success as you move forward with life. If your divorce is handled with clarity, integrity, honor, and respect, then you will feel free and fully prepared to embrace whatever […]

April 30, 2017
How to End a Long Marriage Without Feeling Guilty
Written by Kira GouldEndings are a part of life. But that doesn’t mean that they aren’t hard or painful. Let’s face it, calling a relationship quits is difficult, and ending a long-term marriage is exponentially more so.

September 26, 2015
What is Getting Unmarried™?
Written by Kira GouldGetting Unmarried™ is a better way to get divorced. Period. The word “divorce” conjures up so many loaded thoughts: “failure,” “broken home,” “War of the Roses,” “custody battles,” “legal fees,” “lonely nights,” “financial difficulties,” etc… Divorce has historically been sad, tragic, shameful. But the Getting Unmarried™ method means something entirely different.